Source Node

A source node is a node that creates or wraps data into data frames. Examples on creating an active or passive source node can be found in the interactive notebook here.

Create a passive source

A passive source node is a source that only returns a data frame when it is requested through a pull.

import { SourceNode, DataFrame, DataObject, PullOptions, SourceNodeOptions } from '@openhps/core';
export class MyPassiveSource<Out extends DataFrame> extends SourceNode<Out> {
constructor(options?: SourceNodeOptions) {
onPull(options?: PullOptions): Promise<Out> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const object = new DataObject("mysensor");
const frame = new DataFrame(object);
resolve(frame as Out);

Create an active source

An active source node is a source that automatically creates new data frames (e.g. a sensor that generates information at a fixed interval).

import { SourceNode, DataFrame, DataObject, PullOptions, SourceNodeOptions } from '@openhps/core';
export class MyActiveSource<Out extends DataFrame> extends SourceNode<Out> {
private _timer: NodeJS.Timeout = undefined;
constructor(options?: SourceNodeOptions) {
this.once('build', this._initSensor.bind(this));
this.once('destroy', this._destroySensor.bind(this));
private _initSensor(): void {
this._timer = setInterval(() => {
const object = new DataObject("mysensor");
const frame = new DataFrame(object);
this.push(frame as Out);
}, 1000);
private _destroySensor(): void {
onPull(options?: PullOptions): Promise<Out> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {