Blog Posts

  1. OpenHPS Protocol Buffers
    OpenHPS Protocol Buffers Our new module, @openhps/protobuf has been released that enables the automatic generation of protocol buffer message types for all OpenHPS classes and facilitates serialization and deserialization to lightweight buffer messages.
  2. Augmented Reality in OpenHPS
    Augmented Reality in OpenHPS In this blog post we demonstrate how we used OpenHPS to create the demo app for our recently accepted FidMark ontology paper.
  3. SemBeacon, OpenHPS and the bridge between
    SemBeacon, OpenHPS and the bridge between Our SemBeacon solution will be presented at the 13th IoT conference in Nagoya, Japan. Find out how SemBeacon, OpenHPS and POSO help to achieve interoperable positioning systems.
  4. BeJSConf: OpenHPS conference booth
    BeJSConf: OpenHPS conference booth OpenHPS was exhibited at a conference booth at the Belgian Javascript Conference on May 12th 2023.
  5. OpenHPS v0.4 - Sensors, Web source nodes, RDF and more ...
    OpenHPS v0.4 - Sensors, Web source nodes, RDF and more ... We have released OpenHPS v0.4 which adds new Web source nodes, better use of sensors and improved mapping to semantic linked data.
  6. FOSDEM 2022: Rapid Prototyping of a Positioning System Using the OpenHPS Framework
    FOSDEM 2022: Rapid Prototyping of a Positioning System Using the OpenHPS Framework OpenHPS was presented at FOSDEM 2022 where we focussed on the open source collaboration oppertunities and presented the framework from a more technical point of view.
  7. IPIN 2021: Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework
    IPIN 2021: Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework Our framework was presented on the 11th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). In this paper we demonstrate the use of OpenHPS with an indoor positioning use case along with new modules aimed for indoor scenarios.
  8. OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset
    OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset WLAN, BLE and IMU dataset in four directions created with OpenHPS.
  9. Technical Report
    Technical Report In this technical report we present our open source hybrid positioning system called OpenHPS.